- This advertisement is from the Magazine called Wired.
- The product being marketed is Bluetooth Headsets.
- Message Content: The content of the message is very descriptive and helpfully explains each of the Bluetooth Headsets. They also give pros and cons.
- Size and Shape: The add covers up one side of a page. It's fairly big and the shape is easy to follow.
- Readability: The add is very clear and easy to read. The text is a dark color which makes it very readable.
- Needs the Audience: It understands the problems that people reading the add might encounter while trying to find the right Bluetooth headset for them. It even understands that people like to buy things that both look attractive and are good quality.
- Use of Proven Design Principles and Elements:
Design Principles: proportion and scale- The add proportioned so that the visuals take up half of the page and the writing does also.
Design Elements: Color- Nice color that stands out and catches my eye. Form and Shape- The form and shape of the add is also very effective. It presents the product in a nice but easily understabdable way.
1. What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design?---Trends are what is in or popular at the time and what people seem to really be in to. They are important so that graphic designers know what they need to get the publics attention.
2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group?
---Human nature plays a role in how a product is marketed because it is human nature to look for products that interest you. And it's human nature for people to try and create products that will most likely attract a large amount of people of that specific demographic group.
3. How is a potential audience identified?
---A potential audience is identified by determining a group/or groups of people that participate in certain activities and what not. If you are making a certain skateboard product then your audience will obviously be skaters and people who skate, or also store owners that want to cary the product in there stores.
4. What must you discover about the target audience prior to graphic design?
---You must discover the kind of things your audience likes and is interested in. And also you must find out what their favorite things about those products are so that can give you an idea about creating your product.
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