- TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a website devoted to ideas worth spreading. They hold conferences in California durring the spring and in the UK durring the summer.
- The purpose of the website is to spread ideas. The website contains videos of people speaking at the conventions that they hold. All of the videos are about spreading ideas that can help change attitudes, lives, and also the world.
- The topics that most interest us would be technology, design, entertainment, and science.
- The Rise Of Personal Robots- This has a lot to do with our future. Very interesting to think about because we are engineers and having robots around could definitely solve many of our problems. Singing After A Double Lung Transplant- That seems really incredible to me. She was told she would never be able to sing again but she overcame it and was able to sing once again. How I Built A Toaster--From Scracth- This video could be interesting to us because as engineers we build things and model things. Building a toaster from scratch would be pretty hard but as problem solvers we could work on it and do it.
- Use Art to Turn the World Inside Out.
- Art is about spreading your ideas and thoughts through visual elements.
- Perfect video for the TED website because they are both about spreading ideas.
- The conflict between the Jews and Muslims has become so big that they don't even know why they hate eacthother anymore. They are just brought up being taught to hate the other person.
6. I am already involved in art. I write music. Music is also an art for where you can express your emotions and ideas about society or the world. I just need to get my music out there into the world so I can voice my opinion about things.
That's a mememorable image you selected for your post.
ReplyDeleteCan you figure out how to embed the video into your post? I'd be interested in watching it. You can paste the HTML code into the Edit HTML version of your post editor.